Monday, May 17, 2010

busy monday

today was a typical monday which started out extra sweet as micah climbed down from dillon's bed upon waking after spending a special night slumbering with his big brother. every so often i find this scenario in the night and smile to myself that after a day peppered with bickering over toys or space or (fill in the blank), these two really are best buds.
on mondays dillon goes to his homeschool program where he gets to play with his friends, do art projects, hear stories, eat lunch and have share time. share time comes last and it is hands down dillon's favorite part of the day. the kids break up into 3 small groups and they sit in a cozy little circle with one of the teachers and have show and tell time. the kids can bring in pretty much anything from home. dillon brings lego creations. every time. i think i could probably count the number of non-lego shares on one hand. he's passionate, what can i say? the picture above is a segment of a mural the kids made this year with the help of a local artist.
while dillon is at "school" micah, elijah and i do our weekly errands, mostly food shopping. then we head home, put the groceries away, eat lunch,and relax a bit before returning to pick up dillon. elijah is usually asleep during our brief stop at home.

here are the boys outside the school on our way back to the car to head home.

as dinnertime approached, busy mr. elijah discovered that not only could he now climb up and stand on the kid-sized chairs in the kitchen, but he could use them to get on top of the table and look out the window! are those little hand dimples not the most delicious thing ever?
shortly after this discovery, i had one of my own. the bread dough i mixed up 2 hours earlier had exponentially expanded WAY beyond expectation. this is my third batch of the now famous artisan bread in 5 minutes a day. my friend over at rancheygal has been making it for a while now and it's so yummy i had to try it for myself. i made this batch almost identical to the last, but it about quadrupled in size! we'll see how the baking goes tomorrow.
hope everyone's week is off to a great start!

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